Thursday, April 7, 2016

B is for Bows

"Simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance." -Coco Chanel

Last year in November I made Minnie Mouse ears for my friend and I to wear to Disney during the food and wine festival. This year as Spring was approaching I decided I was going to purchase an annual pass to Walt Disney World- I live in Orlando, I spend $75 a year to go one time, so why not spend more over a period of time and be able to go whenever I wish?! I didn't even really need to think about it before making a definite decision. With the idea of frequenting the lands of Disney came the idea of making more ears to wear while I was there, but there are a few things about ears that I don't really like all the much: they are annoyingly tight to wear for extended periods of time, they feel super top heavy, they're a bitch to make. So then I decided why not just make the thing that's the cutest about them, the bows. And with that decision came a revelation, I can wear bows to other places besides Disney and not look like a complete buffoon. 
So today I set off to JoAnn fabric with little intention of buying a lot of things. I left with about six different printed fabrics and a couple of Easter decorations that were on extreme sale and I barely spent over $30! I had to run to Walmart after making four bows to get some more glue sticks and there I grabbed a couple more patterns of fabric, go figure. 
I'm going to continue on this bow making journey until my fabric supply has dwindled down to nothing. Currently I have the materials to make a few Little Mermaid themed bows and that's pretty exciting. That's the only Disney themed bow I'm making as of now but I'll return to the fabric store well prepared to get the supplies for many more Disney themed accessories! I'm planning on making them as clips as well as headbands because after making them I noticed it would be cute to wear them on the crown of your head with your hair down as well as the usual "bow in your hair" placements. 
Below are the bows that I have made as of this second- let me know what you think. I've opened up an Etsy shop! It's in the making but you're able to buy current bows as well as submit custom orders.

1 comment:

  1. I do believe one of your good friends who LOVES wine needs a wine bow!!!
